Easy Flavored Water Recipes

Why is water so important?

Well, for one, if you don’t drink it you’ll die. Within 72 hours. That’s a weekend!

So, yeah, water is kind of a big deal. It is crucial to stay hydrated, especially during the upcoming summer months.

Yes, I hear you loud and clear, plain ole water can get really boring. More of the reason to take advantage of your local farmer’s market and get some fresh fruit to spice it up. I LOVE the farmer’s market. I’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to shopping for fruit and veggies. I am nerdy and I am proud.

Adding fruit to your water and letting it sit over night makes you look really creative while being beneficial to your body.

Here a few of my favorite detox water recipes:

1. Strawberries + Rasberries + Blueberries

2. Strawberries + Rasberries + Mint Leaves

3. Cucumbers + Mint Leaves + Lemon

4. Lime + Cucumber + Mint Leaves

5. Strawberries + Mint Leaves

How much is enough?

Not sure if you are getting the right amount of water a day? Here’s how to find out!

Multiply your weight by 2/3. This will give you how many ounces a day you should be drinking. For example, a 130 pound person should consume around 87 ounces a day.

Keep in mind to add 12 ounces for every 30 minutes you workout.

I really like carrying a liter bottle of water with me because it is a great and super easy way to keep track of much water you drink throughout the day. I fill up a liter water bottle around 3 or 4 times a day depending on my workouts.

Water is so crucial to your health and well-being! Your muscles love water and so does your skin. Invest in a liter water bottle and keep up with your water intake for about a month. I guarantee the changes you will see in your skin and body are life changing.

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